- Vietnam Independence hero who passed away recently : Vo Nguyen Giap
- China open womens doubles won by : Sania Mirza & Cara Black of Zimbabwe.
- Gold imports of India to touch __ FY14 : 725 tonnes.
- Crime agnaist women for 2012 stands at --- 2, 44,270 & for AP : 28,171 ie 11.5% of total India's.
- 83,661 crime incidents against women has been recorded during 2010 to 2012 in AP.
- Ploikostsava award for 2013 awarded to --- Malala Yousafzai .
- India begins to export Power to which country --- Bangladesh.
- Which player has been life banned in IBL --- Jwala Gutta.
- 40th ministerial level conference of Food & Agricultural Organisation (FAO) of the United Nations will takes place at --- Rome
- Carnatic muscian who passed away recently --- T.R. Subramaniam.
- New banks licence under 3 member committee will be headed by --- Bimal Jalan.
- Which state started strict ban on tobacco advertisment --- Kerala.
- New Japanese encephalitis vaccine launched by Bharat Biotech named --- JENVAC.
- Formation day of National Disastress Management Authority --- 4th October.
- Who represented Myanmar for Miss Universe after 50 years --- Moe Set Wine.
- Which brand is africa's most favoured brand --- Coca-Cola and India's Airtel(9th).
- Budgetary support for Natioanl AIDS phase IV ---- 8632.77 cr,
- Rashtriya Shikshya Abhinay for reforming state Education outlay --- 22855 cr.
- Madhya Pradesh bagged best senior citizen award for maintainacne and wlefare of parents senior citizen acr 2007.
- Sports illutrated Sports person of the year award to --Saina Nehwal.
- West Bengal has launched "Kanyashree" scheme for girls.
- Sweden country topped in best place for senior citizen in the world, India ranked 73rd and Afganistan Least 91st.
- Worlds longest Railyway platform would come up at -- Gorakhpur.
- India has agreed to resume military supplies to -- Nepal.
- Russia helping to counstruct first nuclear power plant to which country --- Bangladesh.
- K.Vijay Raghavan committee set to study performance of educational institutions.
- First women to row solo from Japan to Alaska belongs to-- Britain.
- Global IMR released by UNICEF is --37.
- Raul Coaster elected president for 2nd term to --Cuba.
- World Bank to provide assistance $3-$5 billion every year to eradicate poverty.
- First wild life skywalk of India will come up in --Meanam wildlife sanctury at Sikkim.
- India's first G2B e-biz was launched by --Commerce and Industry minister.
- Yukia Amano re-appointed as Director General of IAEA.
- Japan to fund Bangladesh first ever Metro Rail.
- By 2050 India population would touch 160 crores.
- By 21st century world population would reach
- In last 200 years population growth 7 times.
- Slum population Maharastra leading with --1,18,48,423(1.18cr).
- Slum population AP stands 2nd at-- 1,01,86,934(1.01cr).
- Total India slum population towns at-- 2613.
- Total slum population in India-- 6,54,94,414(6.54cr).
- Slum family population at-- 1.39 cr.
- Slum population Literacy at --77.7% with 83.7%(M) and 71.2%(F).
- Total growth of slum population at --37.1%.
- IIFCL gest- from ADB.
- Medical market India by 2014 --580cr and by 2016 --780cr with 15.5% now and in Asia it is at 4th and in world ay 20th now $4.4 billion turn over.
- AP to get 4,000cr investment in Textiles from centre.
- India global remitance stands at __ for 2013 --- $71 billions.
- Cabinet clears Telangana on --- 3.10.2013.
- Which country decided to withdraw from commonwealths ---- Gaambia.
- Gambia capital --- Banjul.
- First Natioanl award for senior citizens --- Vayoshreshtha Samman.
- Committee to defince FDI and FII headed by --- Aravind Mayaram.
- Net Oil imports of South East Asia to be doubled by --- 2035.
- Indian railway to set up India's Biggest forged wheel plant at -- Raeberli UP.
- Former Epic Record President dies recently --- Polly Anthony.
- Slum pupulation has increased by percent in 10 years --- 25%.
- How many are Undernourished live in developed countries -- 15.7 millions.
- How many are Undernourished live in developing countries --- 827 millions.
- How many are suffering hunger globally according to UN --- 842 million (1 in 8).
- Wolrds Giagantic Hindu Temple to come up in --- Bihar.
- ADB has cut growth of India from 5.8 % to __ for 2013-14 --- 4.7%.
- According to new french Study India to be populous by -- 2050 and Global 9.7 billions by 2050.
- Who nominated for Nobel Peace 2014 --- Putin.
- US thriller author for "The Hunt for Red October" passed away recently --- Tom Clancy.
- Navneet Dhillion bangs which award at Bali --- Multi Media .
- Tom Tato tree which produces Tamato and Potato is from which country --- UK.
- India to commission first stratigic oil storage by 2014 at --- Vishakapatnam.
- Pakistan water commission visited India is headed by --- Mizra Asif Baig.
- BPCL new chairman --- S. Varadarajan.
- NASA's cassini finds plastic ingradient in --- Saturn Moon Titan.
- Which country imposed ban on Skype, Watssup and Viber --- Pakistan.
- First telecom operator in India to recieve unified licence from govt --- Siestma Shyam (MTS).
- Which university is named worlds top university by the Times Higher Education Global Ranking --- Carlifornia Insitute of Technology.
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