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Friday, September 06, 2013

Year End Review 2012 :National Mission on Food Processing Launched

The year 2012 saw the advent of a mega scheme in the food processing sector which aims to provide much needed thrust to this sector in a big way. This centrally sponsored scheme “National Mission on Food Processing” was launched on 01.04.2012.  The mega scheme caters to different aspects of this industry viz. modernization of food processing industries, establishing of mega food parks, integrated cold chains and preservation and modernization of abattoir.
Launching of National Mission on Food Processing (NMFP) is likely to have greater involvement of the State Governments and all stakeholders.  NMFP focuses on food processing for enhancing farm productivity and farmer’s revenue.  It facilitates in addressing both institutional and infrastructural gaps along the value chains. It also has provision for promoting skill development, training and entrepreneurship in post-harvest management.
An allocation of Rs. 250 crores has been made for NMFP in BE-2012-13, out of which an amount of Rs.179.39 crores has been released as 1st installment of grant to the States/Uts.  The funding pattern for NFMP is 75:25 by Govt. of India and States respectively, except for   North Eastern States. For North Eastern States the ratio is 90:10 respectively. The UTs administered by Govt. of India are funded on 100% grant basis.

In the 11th Five year Plan a total allocation of Rs. 600 crores was provided for technology upgradation and modernization of food processing industries. The Ministry has utilized almost the entire fund and has assisted over 3229 Food Processing Units so far. During the current financial year, an amount of Rs. 99.32 crore has been released till 31.10.2012.

Seventy Nine Cold Chain projects were approved to be taken up during the   11th plan, out of which 73 projects have been sanctioned by the Ministry in different parts of the country. 8 projects have already started commercial production.. Remaining projects are in various stages of implementation. During 11th Plan an amount of Rs.157.08 crores was released for the scheme and during the year 2012-13 (upto 30.11.2012) an amount of Rs.44.74 crores has been released.

Government has recently approved to upscale the 11th Plan scheme to complete 8 approved on-going projects and to take up setting up of 25 new abattoirs and modernization of 25 existing abattoirs involving an estimated expenditure of Rs.330.84 crores.  During the 11th Plan, an amount of Rs. 40.93 crores has been released. During the current financial year (upto30.11.2012) an amount of Rs. 8.04 crores has been released.

The scheme for Human Resource Development envisages financial assistance by way of grant to Food Processing Training Centres(FPTCs), creation of infrastructure for running Degree/Diploma courses in Food Processing in Universities and Entrepreneurship DevelopmentProgrammes (EDPs). During the 11th Plan an amount of Rs.23.92 crores was sanctioned for 34 infrastructure facilities, Rs..17 crores for 159 FPTCs and Rs.3.83 crores for 994 EDPs.
Under the scheme of strengthening of Institutions the Government in 2006 approved setting up of NIFTEM at an estimated cost of   Rs. 244.60 crore including foreign exchange component of US $ 8.1 million. The National Institute of Food Technology, Entrepreneurship and Management (NIFTEM) has been granted the Status of “Deemed to be University” under de-novo category by Ministry of Human Resource Development on 08.05.2012 and the academic session comments from 16.08.2012 for B. Tech (Food Technology and Management) and M. Tech courses.
Out of 30 Mega Food Parks proposed during the 11th Five Year Plan, the Ministry has approved all the projects under the Schemes. Of this, final approval has been accorded to 13 Mega Food Parks in the State of Andhra Pradesh, Punjab, Jharkhand, Assam, West Bengal, Uttrakhand, Tamil Nadu, Karnataka, Bihar, Tripura, Gujarat, Orissa and Madhya Pradesh.  During the 11th Plan an amount of Rs. 217.23 crore was released for this scheme.  An amount of Rs. 51.74 crore has been released during 2012-13 (upto 30.11.2012).

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