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Sunday, September 08, 2013

September 1st Week

  1. What is the present child sex ratio data released recently --- 914.
  2. Which country to host 2020 Olympics --- Russia.
  3. Which player has won Italian Grand Prix -- S Vettel.
  4. Who has won Australian elections recently --- Tony Abott (conservative Party)
  5. Worlds largest Telescope with highest altitude comes up at --- Hyderabad.
  6. Loksabha passed street vendors bill recently on --- September 6th.
  7. Loksabha passed the bill to ban Manual scavenging on -- September 6th.
  8. Manual Scavening bill first passed by legislation on --- 1933.
  9. Which state in India is the first to introduce scavenging--- Delhi.
  10. Loksabha passed  Parliament (Prevention of Disqualification) Amendment Bill, 2013 for keeping the chairpersons of National Commissions for the SC and ST out of purview of office of profit on and in RS --- September 6th & August 27th.
  11. Disqualification bill was amend the parliament Act -- 1959.
  12. National commission SC and ST were bifurcated under which amend ant and article -- 89th Act 2003 and 338A.
  13. NASA has launched which satellite recently to study the atmosphere in Moon -- LADEE.
  14. Loksabha has passed a bill jailed can contest poll on ---- September 6th.
  15. Life Style diseases to coast india --- $6.2 trillion.
  16. Govt has planned recently how many mobile phones and tablets to spend around 7,860cr -- 2.5cr and 90lakhs.
  17. Loksabha passed a bill to set up first national aviation university on 6.9.2013 at -- Rae Berli UP.
  18. Indias Fascial deflict at what percantage of target --- 62.8%.
  19. Hitler body guard who has passed away recently is -- Rochus Misch.
  20. How many children under 5 die each day -- 4,700.
  21. India has recetly agreed to swap currecny with Japan --- $50 billion.
  22. Indias External debt stands at --- $390 billion.
  23. Parliament passed key pention bill on --- September 6th.
  24. Nobel prize winner and know Economist who died recently --- Ronal H. Coase.
  25. Worlds largest insulin player announed to launch Insulin injection Tresbia -- Novo Nordisk.
  26. Who is the new head appointed recently in AP high court as legal service authority--- G.Rohini.
  27. Who was won Miss Diva 2013 contest --- Mansai Moghe.
  28. Who is the indian american judge named in california --- Sunil R Kulkarni.
  29. Ahisma Messenger Programme launched recently by -- Sonia Gandhi.
  30. Chinese army has occupied how much land on india recently --- 640 sq km.
  31. Who is the brand ambassdor selected for Tobacco control campiagn --- Rahul Dravid.
  32. BRICS agreed to $100 billion curreny reserve fund recently what was the share of india in it --- $18 billion.
  33. Union cabinet cleared to set up National institute of Solar Energy for R&D at --- Gurgon Haryana.
  34. Who released the book tittled Ahmev Radha, Ahmev Kishnah --- Hamid Ansari.
  35. Which country to host 33rd Asian and pacific confrence of correctional administration --- India.
  36. Land Aqusition bill passed by parliament on --- 5th September.
  37. Recently Google has market who birthday as Doodle home page --- John Wisdens 187th.
  38. Who is the India author shot dead by Thalibans in Afganisthan recently --- Sushmitha Benarjee.
  39. Which Two tollywood directors selected for the Jury of Oscar -- N.Shankar and C.V.Reddy.
  40. Rajya Sabha has passed a bill to appoint judges under new sytem by CJI on -- 5th September.
  41. India stands at which position on Global Competitivness index which is topped by Switzerland -- 60th.
  42. Loksabha passes penstion bill on --- 4th September.
  43. Who has selected for Century of Century awards --- Sachin Tendulkar.
  44. IMF has approved a financial aid of $6.7 billion to which country --- Pakistan.
  45. Which institute has declared as Institute of National Importance by Parliament --- National Institute of Design.
  46. World Bank has recently assisted support to which state in Minning -- Odisha.
  47. Who became first female to swim across Florida straits with out Shark cage --- Diana Nyad.
  48. Who has inagurated 11th Asia Pacific Postal Union Congress --- President.
  49. Which countrys 5 year boy has become an youngest polit --- China( Duanduo).
  50. 3rd India-Republic dialogue has been recently held at --- Seoul.
  51. Which company has recently purchased Nokia Devices and Service Unit --- Microsoft.
  52. Who opened the Europes largest Library on Birmingham recently --- Mallala.
  53. Who has awarded Morrti Devi award 2012 --- Hari Prasad Das.
  54. Cabinet has approved which country Bilateral air service with India --- Abu-Dabi.
  55. Which country has test fired Missile in Meditarian Sea on 2.9.2013 --- Israel.
  56. Who has been re-elected as SAD president --- Sukhbir Badal.
  57. Which state CM to participate in world economic forum to be held in China --- Karnataka.
  58. Who has been appointed as New Sectratary general for Lok Sabha --S. Bal Shekar.
  59. Rajya Sabha Passed Food Secrity bill on --- 2.9.2013.
  60. How many has killed till now from 2 1/2 years Syria war-- 1,10,000.
  61. How many Dowry deaths has taken in 2012 --8,233.
  62. Anti Dowry Act 1961 started on --- 1983.
  63. North East largest Jail to come up in --- Tripura.

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