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Tuesday, September 03, 2013

Primary Education in Tribal Areas

As per information received from Ministry of Human Resource Development, the percentage of ST enrolment at elementary level has increased to 10.92% in 2011-12 from 9.02% in 2005-06.Ministry of HRD has commissioned two independent studies on out of school children in 2005 and 2009. These reveal that out of school ST children declined from 9.5% in 2005 to 5.6% in 2009.
The Ministry of Tribal Affairs is not implementing any specific scheme for primary education for ST students in tribal areas. However, this Ministry has launched a Centrally-sponsored Scheme for Pre-matric Scholarship for needy ST students studying in Classes IX and X w.e.f. 1.7.2012 which is being implemented through State Governments and UT Administrations.
As per information received from the Ministry of HRD, SSA provides for opening of new schools, additional rooms and infrastructure like toilets, drinking water, ramps etc, teachers, teacher training, free text books, special training to mainstream out of school children, two sets of uniforms for all girls and children belonging to SC, ST & BPL families, school grants, learning enhancement programme (which includes specific programs for improving learning level like multi lingual education in early grades, special science and maths inputs etc) and innovation fund for SC, ST children. SSA has also supported the strengthening of Tribal Welfare Departments’ schools and ashram shalas. A few states have also used SSA funds for bridge materials from home language to medium of instruction in schools in early primary grades to improve retention of ST children and to improve learning levels. During 2012-13, Rs.675522 lakh has been sanctioned to ST dominated districts under SSA, which is 10% of the over all outlay.

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