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Friday, September 13, 2013

AP has highest infant deaths in South

Andhra Pradesh continues to hold the dubious distinction of having the highest Infant Mortality Rates (IMR) in south India as well as being one among the top10 states in India lagging behind in terms of ineffective remedial measures to address the issue, a government survey released on Thursday revealed. 
    For every 1,000 live births in the state, as many as 41 infants die, according to the Government of India survey known as the Sample Registration System (SRS) survey statistics for 2012. 
    The results come a year after an expert team from the United States supposedly came up with an action plan to counter the high IMR in Medak district. The three-member team of officials from the Columbia University, sent by New Delhi, suggested several measures to 
improve healthcare in addition to streamlining the work of auxiliary nurse and better access, among others. 
    As per the latest data, Kerala beat the four southern states with an IMR of 12, while Kar
nataka and Tamil Nadu threw up an IMR of 32 and 21 respectively, all riding on healthcare schemes implemented to take care of neonates. 
    As per the SRS survey, Madhya Pradesh figures at the top with an IMR of 56, followed by Assam with IMR of 55, Orissa and UP come third with IMR of 53. These states are followed by Rajasthan (49), Chhattisgarh (47), Bihar (43) and Haryana (42). Although state health authorities are hailing a marginal drop of two points as compared to 2011 when the IMR was 43, experts said a lot needs to be done to counter child healthcare facilities and awareness. 
    Some experts said that poor neo-natal care facilities, overcrowding at government hospitals and lack of infrastructure are factors contributing to high infant mortality in the state. 
    “AP's IMR of 41 is not very different from the national average of 42 as per the latest da
ta. The state's healthcare system is not geared up to take care of the new borns,” said Veena Shatrugna, a health expert. 
    “There is an urgent need to invest in medical care for children as reasons for death are infectious diseases, diarrhoea, pneumonia among others,” she added. Dr Jagdish Chandra, a paediatrician, who has done extensive work in neo natal care and trained medical staff in the government sector, said the two point drop could probably be due to more institutional deliveries and Aarogyasri scheme. 
    “When other states have improved drastically, AP is still reporting one of the highest IMRs in the country,” said Dr Chandra. “Neo-natal facilities need to improve to a great extent. The situation in remote areas is worse,” he added. 
    IMR indicates the number of infants below one year dying per 1,000 live births.

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