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Wednesday, July 31, 2013


1. National urban livelihood mission(NULM) in 12th five year plan replace (SJSRY) swarna Jayanthi shahan Rojay yojana tops by tamilnadu - 22,507cr

2. Union govt approves 285.75cr under PMGSY to Himachal Pradesh.

3. Union govt approved 1500cr proposal for production of more than 2000 rockets for the pinaka multi-barrel weapons.

4. HRD minister Dr.M.M.Pallam raju launched a roadmap to improve quality of teachers, under National mission on teachers and trainings added 100cr rupee annual plan 2013-14.

5. Centre to release a package of more than 2,892cr for 7 states and 417.12cr for AP in wake of cyclone Nilam.

6. India's percapita income 5,729 permonth and 68,757 for year.

7. India and world bank sign $500 million  deal for siksha abhinay (RMSA).

8. Union govt approved 429cr setup central acadamy for police training in Bhopal.

9. FDI in india retail industry worth US $411.28 billion to reach $804.6 billion by 2015.

10. Total Expenditure of National Budget at 16,65,297cr

11. Planned outlay of National budget at 5,55,322cr

12. Unplanned outlay of National budget at 11,09975cr.

13. AP state budget Total Expenditure at 1,61,5297cr.

14. AP state budget planned outlay at 59,42,248cr.

15. AP state budget unplanned outlay at 1,01,92,620cr.

16. India Russia sign pacts on Economic ties for $2 billion and 2 military agreements of 20,000cr.

17. India got loans of $500 million from ADB to speed up rural roads construction.

18. India China setup defence security dialogue $100 billion trade target.

19. Union govt approves $7.6 billion TAPI gas pipeline.

20. Union govt clears 8,500cr for rural roads under PMGSY.

21. India and world band signed $60  million for karnataka watershed development project.

22. Tea production crossed 1billion kg mark.

23. Cabinet approves 12,517cr capital investment to 10 PSU banks.

24. Tokyo conference pledges to provide $16 billion aid to Afganisthan.

25. Choppers deal scam of 12 around 3,546cr italy losses 44,000cr.

26. AMR seals $11 billion merger with US airways.

27. India and France eisgn $6 billion deal on surface to air missile.

28. India and Bhutan sign currency swap agreement worth $100 million.

29. India and Japan sign currency swap agreement worth $15 billion.

30. US house approves $633 billion in defence spending.

31. China announces $20 billion african loan.

32. Hyderabad last nizam all time richest indian Osman Ali Khan and ranket 6th in world $236 billion.

33. Mallala signed $3 million to publish book titled Iam Mallala with UK.

34. National Electronic policy 2012: $100 billion to vain exports from $5.5 billion to $80 billion by 2020.

35. Cabinet approves NABARD from 50,000 to 20,000cr.

36. Cabinet allows 632cr capital infusion in RRB's 

37. External debt of india $393 billion.

38. Exports of india April to Dec 2012-13 $239.7 billion and imports at $406 billion and trade deflict at $167.2 billion

39. India's super rich own $925 billion, welath report 109 billionaries present expected 122 by 2020.

40. Worlds 100 richest net worth $241 billion in 2012.

41. U.N General assembly budget increase in 2013 to $5.4 billion.

42. Top 5 richest countries Qatar 1st with $98,900 GDP percapita.

43. uGlobal arm trade signed by 60 nations $60-85 billion.

44. India-Asean FTA to reach $100 billion by 2015 present $80 billion.

45. India investment in renewable energy at $10.4 billion in 2011.

46. India okays 55,000cr on submarine purchase.

47. $100 million loan to uttarakhand from ADB.

48. India grants 2,892cr to Disaster relief.

49. Bangladesh and India sign $1.6 billion power deal.

50. Cabinet proposal 2,250cr for AIDS affected people.

51. India-China trade $67.8 billion and target $100 billion by 2015.

52. Union cabinet approved 22,507cr for National Urban Health Mission (NUHM).

53. India investment in srilanka $1 billion mark.

54. NABARD 95cr loan to HVPNC.

55. Gandhiji item sold 1,50,000 pounds in aution.

56. India approves $160 million to boost power project in Nepal.

57. India's money in swiss bank $1.42 billion swiss france and topped by BRitain , India at 7th.

58. AP suffers 1710cr loss to crops in cyclone nilam.

59. Internet fast growing bill board $497.3 billion.

60. India-US govt debt holding dips $58.9 billion.

61. Household sector increase from 18.33lakhs to 20.04 lakhs cr on 2011-12 of 9.3%.

62. GDP of 2012-13 at 55,03476cr and GNP at 5,44,169cr.

63.  Forex reserves of india $287.7 billion.

64. India signed $252 million loan with ADB.

65. India debt $172 billion pay back by may 2012 now $39 billion 2013.

66. Percapita expenditure india 1,430 kerala-2,669.